Popcorn Machine Frequently Asked Questions

10 Jun.,2024


Popcorn Machine Frequently Asked Questions

Popcorn Machine Frequently Asked Questions

If you want to learn more, please visit our website 5 quarts of popcorn is how many cups.

HTmarket.com has a broad selection of Popcorn Machines, in a huge variety of styles, sizes, and capabilities. If you're new to purchasing or using a popcorn machine, you might have some questions. Hopefully, this list of the most frequently asked questions will be something you find useful! If you have any further questions, please feel free to call our knowledgeable and experienced staff at 1-888-764-.

1: What popcorn machine should I choose?

This is based on servings needed as answered in question #2 below. You should also consider price/value, build quality, features and warranty information.

How to Choose a Popcorn Machine
Watch our video on how to select the right size popcorn popper for your situation. Professor talks about popcorn kettle size and why it's important to know the output you need to select the right equipment. He also speaks to your usage and how that will effect your decision on the popper.

2: What Size Popcorn Machine Do I Need?

Popcorn machines are grouped by the size (in ounces) of the kettle. The best way to determine the size of machine you will need is to figure out how many one-ounce servings you will go through during a two hour movie. A single 1-ounce serving is a bag approximately 3 -1/2" wide by 2" deep and 8" tall (This serving size is roughly equivalent to a small popcorn at your local movie theater). If you have a home theater, consider this: you may only have 30 minutes to pop the popcorn or less before the movie to keep the popcorn fresh, and you don't want to reload the machine during the movie. To be conservative, you should use two 1-ounce servings per person. For example, if you have 10 people you will need 20 ounces of popcorn, so with a 4-ounce machine you will need to reload 5 times at a approximately 3 to 4 minutes a time. The 4-ounce machine could handle the job but the 8 ounce machine would do it quicker and with less hassle, requiring perhaps 2 reloads. If you usually have a smaller crowd (2-6 people), the 4-ounce machine would be great. However, if you entertain larger crowds on a regular basis, you should consider the 6 or 8 ounce machines. We sell the best brand popcorn equipment from Paragon International, Benchmark USA, and Cretors.

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3: What makes popcorn pop?

A popcorn kernel is actually comprised of approximately 12% moisture . As you heat up the kernel, the moisture turns into steam and expands. Once the kernel reaches 475 degrees Fahrenheit, the expanding steam forces the hull to explode (or pop). That's when the magic happens!

How to Make Popcorn with a Popcorn Popper
Watch our video on how to make popcorn with a professional popper. We show you how easy it is to use popcorn portion packs.

4: What type of oil should I use to cook popcorn?

The type of oil that you use will affect the taste of the popcorn. The most common type that is used is coconut oil. It's normally regarded as the best tasting, and has long been a staple at movie theaters. However, the health-conscious often prefer canola oil, due to its lower fat and cholesterol content. Other types that are often used are sunflower, peanut and soy.

Helpful Links

  1. Popcorn Machines and Popcorn Supplies

5: What's the best way to keep my popcorn machine clean?

These surfaces can be cleaned using standard window cleaner. You'll want to note that you should never submerge a kettle in any type of liquid. The kettle has electrical components inside of it that can short out if wet. Kettles are designed to be wiped out with a clean cloth after each use. Should you have a kettle that gets burned-on oil stains, you can order the kettle cleaning kit, which will allow you to clean it to near-new conditions.

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6: What's the best ratio of oil to corn for popcorn machines?

It's important to know the best ratio of oil to corn kernels when running your popcorn machine, especially if you are using the bulk popcorn instead of the prepackaged corn and seasoning. So how much corn or oil do you use? Well it all depends on the size of your popcorn machine's kettle!

Bulk Corn/Oil Measurements for Popcorn Machines

Size of Machine Amount of Oil Amount of Corn 4 oz. 1/4 cup 1/2 cup 6 oz. 1/4 cup 3/4 cup 8 oz. 1/3 cup 1 cup 12 oz. 1/2 cup 1 1/2 cups 14 oz. 1/2 cup 1 3/4 cups 16 oz. 2/3 cup 2 cups 20 oz. 3/4 cup 2 1/2 cups

Helpful Links

Also be sure to check out our handy Popcorn Machine Guide for more information on popcorn machines!

BIG: Movie Theaters Fill Buckets…and Bellies

Information compiled by Amy Ramsay with help from Melissa Pryputniewicz.


"Did you know that popcorn is among the healthiest&#;and tastiest&#;snacks around?" asks the Web site of the Popcorn Board, an industry group. "It's a whole grain 

food that's low in calories and fat and it's a complex carbohydrate."

Maybe that's one reason people fork over $4 to $8 for a bag or tub of popcorn when they enter a movie theater. It sounds like they're munching on a stalk of broccoli, for goodness sakes.

Turns out the Popcorn Board is right&#;if you're talking low-fat popcorn or (fat-free) air-popped. Eating a tub of movie theater popcorn is more like eating an 8 oz. bag of potato chips, and that's assuming your theater pops in the best oil available and you get it without the "buttery" topping.

Here's what we found when we sent samples of popcorn and toppings from the three largest theater chains to an independent lab for analysis. (Each gave us nutrition facts for its popcorn. But just to be sure, we analyzed samples from three different theaters for each chain. For two of the chains&#;Regal and AMC&#;we went to theaters in the Washington, D.C., area. For Cinemark, our samples came from Texas, Illinois, and Maryland.)


With 548 theaters in 39 states plus the District of Columbia, Regal is the largest chain in the United States. It pops in coconut oil, which is 90 percent saturated. (In contrast, lard is 40 percent saturated.)

Translation: A "small" popcorn (that's about 11 cups' worth) with no buttery topping has 34 grams of saturated fat. So even if you split it with a friend (unlikely), you each get nearly a day's worth of artery paste. And it gets worse from there.

A "medium" (20 cups) or a "large" (also 20 cups) has 60 grams of sat fat. Of course, a large means a free refill (Yay!), so there's no limit to the damage you can do.

Suggestion: Move your cardiologist's number to your speed dial before the lights go down.

Just kidding. It takes years to clog those arteries&#;and years for your blood pressure to respond to the salt shock (550 milligrams of sodium&#;a third of a day's worth&#;for a small and 980 mg for a medium or large).

The calories, on the other hand, may show up much sooner&#;and where you least want them.

Budget 670 for a small and 1,200 for a medium or large. You could think of each small as a Pizza Hut Personal Pan Pepperoni Pizza and each medium or large as two. But the two pizzas pack "only" a day's worth of sat fat&#;nowhere near the three days' worth in a medium or large popcorn.

How can a medium and large at Regal each hold the same 20 cups of popcorn?

Simple. The taller medium comes in a bag with straight sides, while the squatter large comes in a tapered tub that's wider at the top (see photo). The tub sure looks like it holds more. Other than for the free refill (shudder), why else would moviegoers pay $8 for a large (a medium is $7)?

Another oopsy-daisy: According to Regal, a medium has 720 calories, while a large has 960 calories. Both are lower than our lab results. Oh well. What's an xtra 200 to 500 calories when your snack hovers around the 1,000-calorie mark? They don't call them tubs for nothing.

Are you interested in learning more about size of microwave popcorn bag? Contact us today to secure an expert consultation!

Toppings: For customers who think plain popcorn isn't soaked in enough oil, Regal offers a "buttery" topping. According to Regal and the topping manufacturer, it adds 130 calories to a small, 200 calories to a medium, and 260 calories to a large.

We analyzed the topping to make sure that it had no trans fat. But we didn't check to see how much topping the concession staff at Regal&#;or any other chain&#;adds. Odds are, it varies. And odds are, it's more than what Regal claims.

AMC Theatres

AMC, the nation's second-largest chain (with 307 theaters in 30 states and the District of Columbia), also pops in coconut oil. The only good news: AMC's popcorns aren't as super-sized as Regal's. But they're bigger than the company acknowledges. 

According to AMC, a small popcorn contains 225 calories. In fact, the small AMC popcorns that we bought weighed about 50 percent more than the company claimed. Our AMC smalls contained 370 calories and 20 grams of saturated fat&#;about what you'd get from that classic healthy snack: eight pats of butter.

Based on what we were served, AMC lowballs its other sizes as well.

For example, the company's 430-calorie medium morphed into 590 calories and 33 grams of saturated fat. And the 660-calorie large became a 1,030-calorie behemoth with 57 grams of sat fat. It's like eating a pound of baby back ribs topped with a scoop of Häagen-Dazs ice cream (except for the extra day's worth of sat fat in the popcorn).

What's next: fun-house mirrors that make you look skinny on your way out of the theater?

Toppings: Fake-butter fans must love AMC. The chain lets patrons pump their own "buttery" topping. No skimpy tablespoon of extra fat on a small or two tablespoons on a large, like Regal claims to use. With 120 calories per tablespoon, you should be able to squeeze another 200 to 500 calories into the bucket of fat cells in your lap.

The OmniHeart diets weren't designed to melt pounds, even though many of the participants were overweight or obese.

"In fact, we made sure they didn't cut calories or we wouldn't have known how much each diet mattered," says Janis Swain, an OmniHeart dietitian at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston.

In a separate study, Sacks put 800 overweight adults on diets that were high or low in fat, carbs, or protein. After two years, weight loss was about the same.3 "So there is also a tie for weight loss," he notes.

However, we've tweaked the diet to make it easier for people to lose&#;or not gain&#;weight by cutting caloric beverages and eating foods that are less calorie dense.

But those are details. Here's the big picture of what to eat.


Cinemark, with 296 theaters in 39 states, deserves some applause. The nation's third largest chain pops in non-hydrogenated canola oil instead of coconut.

Assuming you add no "buttery" topping, your heart can escape a Cinemark popcorn relatively unscathed. Your belly (and blood pressure) won't be so lucky.

If you share an unbuttered (8-cup) small with a fellow moviegoer, each of you will walk away with about 200 calories (seasoned with 340 milligrams of sodium).

That's the best you can expect from movie theater popcorn, unless you ask the theater to pop you a batch without salt. (All the Cinemark, AMC, and Regal locations we called said they would do that.)

A medium popcorn (14 cups) at Cinemark reaches 760 calories and a large (17 cups) hits 910 calories (and 1,500 mg of sodium&#;an entire day's quota). Since when is half-a-day's-calories' worth of corn, oil, and salt called a "snack"? Maybe since America started competing in the Sumo Belly-Lifting Olympics.

Toppings: Cinemark may use the healthiest popping oil, but you can still run into problems at the pump.

At some Cinemarks, the topping is essentially the same "buttery" non-hydrogenated soybean oil used by other chains. So for each tablespoon that you (or the servers) pour over your popcorn, you're adding another 130 calories that (we're guessing) you won't burn by the end of the day.

At other Cinemarks (especially in the West), the topping is made from real butter. Would you add butter to your French fries?

Each tablespoon of the butter topping delivers 9 grams of saturated fat&#;half a day's limit&#;plus 0.4 grams of naturally occurring trans fat, which will boost your LDL ("bad") cholesterol as much as manmade trans does.

So get out the calculator&#;and that extra dose of Lipitor. You just turned your large popcorn into two Big Macs.

Sodas and Combos

A bag or tub of popcorn can make you thirsty, and theaters aren't about to let their customers suffer. So they offer sodas to wash down the salt and oil.

A small ranges from 16 ounces (2 cups) at Cinemark to 32 ounces (4 cups) at Regal. Assume that about a quarter of it is filled with ice. Even so, you're talking 150 to 300 calories' worth of sugar (unless you get a diet soda or water).

A large is only for those who possess a reinforced bladder (or arrive with a supply of Depends). It ranges from 44 ounces (5½ cups) at Cinemark or AMC to 54 ounces (nearly 7 cups) at Regal. Okay, so you may not need an extra 400 to 500 calories&#;and 26 to 33 teaspoons of sugar&#;right now. But who knows? Maybe a famine is just around the corner.

To save you money (how thoughtful), theaters offer combos. For example, for a mere $12, Regal hands you a medium popcorn and a medium soft drink, and AMC dishes up a large popcorn and a large soda. Where else can you be so distracted (by the movie) that you don't realize you've just swallowed 1,400 to 1,600 calories?

A combo for two people is even more economical. At Regal (1 large popcorn and 2 medium sodas) and AMC (1 large popcorn and 2 large drinks), you pay about $17 for roughly 2,000 calories. What a deal. You'll still have money left over for dinner and dessert after the movie.

True, you might be a tad less hungry if you go back for a free refill. The problem is, you have to walk all the way to the concession stand for it. That's dozens of steps!

Maybe someday theaters will have employees walk up and down the aisles offering free refills of popcorn and soda during the movie. In the meantime, they could at least offer bigger buckets. Maybe garbage bags would work.

Want more information on brown paper bags for popcorn? Feel free to contact us.