How to Cook Popcorn in a Paper Bag

06 Aug.,2024


How to Cook Popcorn in a Paper Bag

I had no idea you could do this.

Goto Huafeng to know more.

Last week, I visited my friend, Nicole Maynard, author of a seductive new blog called, Our Year of Eating Local.  Nicole is a wife and the mother of two children. Together, their family of four is all in on a journey of eating locally sourced food every other week for one year. Her goals are &#;to raise awareness of the impact of our food choices on the environment, to better support local farmers and makers, and in so doing, to heal our planet.&#; She defines local as being within a 100-mile radius of .

While I sipped a cup of coffee at her kitchen table, Nicole prepared locally grown popcorn in the microwave. I was in the middle of asking her where she had sourced the popcorn when she opened a BROWN PAPER BAG full of popcorn, poured it into a serving bowl, and placed it on the table. I interrupted her mid-sentence: &#;Wait a sec. Did you just cook popcorn in a lunch bag?&#; I was incredulous.


&#;Did you use oil?&#;


So, no special type of non-flammable paper bag, no oil in the bag to make the corn pop, and no additives to season, improve the color or preserve the popcorn. As if to add an exclamation point to my surprise, Nicole nonchalantly drizzled a light California olive oil over it and a little salt. It was perfectly prepared popcorn, simply made, and at a fraction of the cost of store-bought microwave popcorn bags.

I stopped at the grocery store on the way home to pick up lunch bags.

How to cook popcorn in a brown paper bag.

Yield: 3½-4 cups popped corn (per 2 tablespoons or 1 ounce of corn)

2 tablespoons popcorn kernels
1 brown paper lunch bag


Place kernels in a paper bag. Fold bag top down three or four times. Do not use a staple. I recommend not using any oil, either; the kernels will pop perfectly well without it.

Place bag upright in the microwave and use the &#;Time Cook&#; button to enter 1:50 seconds. This is the amount of time it takes to cook 2 tablespoons of popcorn in my microwave. Every microwave machine&#;s wattage is different so you may need to experiment with the cook time on yours.

When you notice a slowdown of kernels popping, take the bag out. Don&#;t try to cook every last kernel or you will likely end up with a clump of muddy-colored, smoldering popped corn in the center of the bag. If it gets to this point, it might be best to toss the bag out, start over and cook for 15 seconds less the next time.

You could add a little mild olive oil or melted butter and salt to the bag, shake it up, and have a &#;to go&#; single-serving snack. I tried the California extra virgin olive oil recommended by Nicole and liked it on the popcorn. It was much lighter in flavor than the Spanish olive oils I typically use.

What Makes Corn Pop?

Popcorn kernels are seeds, and as seeds, each kernel has both water and carbohydrates in the form of starch to supply the seed with the energy needed to germinate. As the kernel heats up, the water turns to steam and the starch into a gelatinous consistency. As the temperature and pressure in the kernel rise further, the hull ruptures, the kernel explodes, the starch goo inflates, pours out, and expands like a balloon. The puffed-up goo retains its fluffy shape as it cools and you get popped corn.

Not all varieties of corn will pop. For most varieties, the outside shell is too thick. If you want to grow corn that will pop, make sure you buy &#;popcorn&#; seeds.

Meanwhile, Nicole and I did a little bartering during our visit. I gave her a bottle of locally made sorghum syrup (Cerulean, KY, 90 miles away) and she gave me a few bars of her homemade hand soap.

Posts related to locally grown food:
How Canola Oil is Made (from plants grown locally)
Farming Equipment 101: Harvesting Winter Wheat
Raising Sorghum Cane to Make Sorghum Syrup
Growing Sweet Potatoes at Delvin Farms


Follow my photos of vegetables growing, backyard chickens hanging out, and dinner preparations on Instagram at JudysChickens.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit popcorn in paper bag no oil custom.

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© - Judy Wright. All rights reserved. Photos and text may only be used with written consent.

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How to Pop Popcorn in a Brown Paper Bag

How to pop popcorn in a brown paper bag? It&#;s like magic, you can make your own healthy, delicious, low-fat microwave popcorn using regular popping corn and a brown paper bag. It works perfectly.

No fancy popcorn machine, no popcorn popping pots, no stove top, zero mess. Just popcorn kernels, a brown paper bag, and a microwave.

Savings Tip!

Making popcorn in a brown paper bag costs less too. Doing the math, gourmet microwave popcorn costs around $22.65 for 12 boxes (source) &#; that&#;s $3.53 per pound!

How to Pop Popcorn in a Brown Paper Bag

Step One: Get a brown paper bag

This is ridiculously easy. I bought a package of 100 brown paper bags for $2.

Step Two: Put popping corn into the brown paper bag.

Add a 1/2 cup scoop of regular popcorn kernels into the brown paper bag. Fold the bag over twice.

Important: Don&#;t use staples!

Don&#;t use staples to secure the brown paper bag as it might spark in your microwave.

Step Three: Pop in microwave

Place the brown paper bag with popping kernels into your microwave. Set for 3 minutes on high.


Microwave for 3 minutes or less

Stop the microwave when the popping slows to one to two pops per second. A few kernels will remain unpopped. Longer microwaving may pop more kernels, but you&#;ll risk burning the popped popcorn, so it&#;s not recommended.

Step Four: Add gourmet popcorn topping

A pinch of salt with a dab of butter is the standard way to eat microwave popcorn.

But why not get creative and try some sweet or savory flavors to mix up movie night?

Try these popcorn toppings!

  • Hot Stuff: Add chili powder, hot sauce, and salt.
  • Kiss My Breath: Shake in onion powder, garlic powder, hold the kiss.
  • Cheese Please: Mix in Parmesan cheese with dash of salt.
  • Vegan Cheese, Please: Sprinkle Nutritional Yeast for a cheesy taste.
  • Sweet Tooth: A dash of cinnamon, a sprinkle of sugar, and honey.
  • Classic: A shake of salt with a pat of butter.

How do YOU make popcorn? Got a favorite gourmet popcorn topping to share? Go.

Love love love,

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