What are the printing specs for business cards?

04 Apr.,2024


Where possible, use the PDF/X-1a:2001 preset

This creates the simplest kind of PDF, and takes care of almost everything that could cause issues at the press.

Export your file as single pages

Your PDF should include a front page and a back page. Make sure the pages in your file are single pages, not spreads (two pages joined together).

Ensure you export your PDF with 3mm bleed and crop marks

For our Business Cards we require 3mm bleed and crop marks when exporting your .pdf. You will receive error messages when uploading your file if these haven’t been included in your export.

Mini business cards are the best way to keep things simple. At 3.5" x 1.25", they are able to fit easily… pretty much anywhere. Keeping your design simple and effective will let you tell your potential clients and customers exactly what your business is all about while telling them how to get in touch with you. If you're adding more information to these, it will fit, but you'll have to keep in mind that the more you add, the more difficult it will become to read. Two-sided mini business cards are absolutely the way to go. Keep one side for the name of your business or even just your logo, and the other side for the basic information. Mini business cards are great for getting a burst of attention because of their unique size. You could go a bit smaller to 1.125" x 2.75" too if you really want to push the miniature effect to its fullest. Against a heavy influx of larger business cards, your card will stand out from the rest for sure! Order now!

What are the printing specs for business cards?

A Guide to Standard Business Card Sizes

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