In a world of more kitchen gadgets than you can imagine, it can be a struggle to determine if something is worth the financial investment, not to mention the storage space. But there are some pieces of equipment that literally end up paying for themselves when used properly and regularly. For me, the single gadget that has saved me the most money on food costs is my vacuum sealer.
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I originally bought my first vacuum sealer not for food storage but for use in sous vide cooking. After spending time using the popular water-bath cooking technique, I realized that standard zip-top bags weren't doing the job; I needed a quality vacuum sealer.
After a bit of research, I landed on the Nesco VS-12 deluxe vacuum sealer. It was middle of the pack in terms of price and had a lot of features I wanted, including different levels of vacuum pressure, settings for dry and moist foods, the ability to work with different sizes of bags, internal roll storage, and a cutter to make custom-size bags. The purchase felt like a splurge at the time, so I decided to figure out ways to use it more on a regular basis that went beyond sous vide needs.
And that's how I stumbled into the twin pillars of why a vacuum sealer is such an amazing appliance: It quickly became indispensable in my battle against food waste and in my quest to save money.
Air is the enemy of food safety (and quality!). Whether it is an open bag of crackers getting stale in your pantry, or food molding in your fridge, air can speed the process along. Enter the vacuum sealer: It has a delicate pressure setting to allow me to vacuum pack open pantry items like nuts, flour, grains, and baked goods to extend their shelf life, and a double sealing option to use for freezing items that helps keep things properly sealed in the freezer.
Properly sealing and storing food means that I am throwing away less spoiled food. I can easily package up leftovers in smaller servings for future meals, and food stored under vacuum can last anywhere from twice as long to four times as long in the fridge and pantry.
Further, my vacuum sealer means I can take advantage of sales on staples and expensive meats; I buy these items in bulk because I can break them down into portions that work for my household of two, and store safely in the freezer or pantry until needed. You can get amazing deals on large-format meats at big box stores like Costco, and with a quality vacuum sealer, simply repackage for future use. If you wrap meats or poultry in plastic wrap and store in zip-top freezer bags, you begin to lose quality within a month and need to use within three months or you risk freezer burn or other diminishment of quality. A properly vacuum sealed protein can last up to a year in your freezer with no damage at all.
a vacuum sealer is a fantastic tool to have in your kitchen, whether you work in a professional one or you simply produce meals at home. One of the main benefits of using a vacuum sealer is that it will save you money in a variety of different ways, and thats something that everyone enjoys doing. But just how does it work? Here are some of the ways that a vacuum sealer can save you money; some of them might surprise you.
Buying in bulk is a great way to save money. When you buy a lot of something, the price tends to go down you might find that your local supermarket is offering a two for the price of one sale, or that you can negotiate with a supplier to lower the price if youre buying a large quantity.
However, once you have all that food, what are you going to do with it? You cant just keep it lying around, even in the fridge at least some of it will go off by the time you get round to using it. That means freezing, but if you have a lot of something, do you have the room in your freezer? If you use a vacuum sealer you will have the room youll be able to fit everything in that you need to and nothing will go to waste.
You can even batch cook and do the same, pulling out a bag of food to defrost and heat up when you need it.
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Batch cooking is a fantastic way to save money and time, which in this busy world is always a bonus. Take a day when you do have spare time, and ensure you have already bought all the ingredients in bulk. Although youll need to spend the whole day prepping and cooking, when you have finished you might have a months worth of dishes ready to bag up, use your vacuum sealer on, and store in the freezer.
When youre having a long, busy day, just grab a bag and cook it up ready to eat. It means the temptation for a takeaway, or going out to eat (both of which are expensive and are really once in a while treats rather than a regular occurrence) is removed and youll save money there too.
It always seems a shame to throw away what is really perfectly good food just because you cooked too much or you or your family just werent hungry enough to finish everything. However, thats usually what happens; everything gets thrown in the bin, never to be seen again.
If you had a vacuum sealer, you could prevent this from happening. You could save your leftovers in a bag, keeping them fresh for longer so nothing goes to waste. You could save enough food for entire meals this way, and that, of course, will save you a lot of money in the long term.
Not everything that you have in your cupboards is going to last forever; dry goods such as flour, sugar, pasta, rice, oatmeal, baking products such as baking soda, and coffee (as well as many other things, perhaps especially spices and herbs) will all lose their flavour and potency once they have been opened for a while.
Most of the time that means they get thrown out, and you need to buy new packets to replace them. They dont have to be wasted, though; use your vacuum sealer and they will last a lot longer.
Weve all been in that situation when you go to pull something out of the freezer only to discover that freezer burn has made whatever it was you wanted to cook inedible it has to be thrown away. What a waste.
With a vacuum sealer you can eliminate that problem and ensure that the food you put into your freezer remains just as fresh as ever, always able to be used when you need it.
Even if you dont want to prepare entire meals in advance, you can do the prep work beforehand, saving you a lot of time. When you come to cook your food, all you need are the pre-prepared vacuum sealed bags of ingredients you already made, and you can create quick and easy dishes with very little effort.
The great thing about a vacuum sealer is that it keeps fresh items usable for days, and that even includes salads, vegetables, and herbs.
If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Food Vacuum Bag.