Motion-picture technology - Film Processing, Printing ...

06 May.,2024


Motion-picture technology - Film Processing, Printing ...


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processing and


In the early days of motion pictures, films were processed by winding on flat racks and then dipping in tanks of solution. As films became longer, such methods proved to be too cumbersome. It was recognized that the processing system should have the following characteristics: it must run continuously; it must be lighttight and yet capable of being loaded in daylight; and it must be as compact as possible to provide a minimum air surface for the processing solutions. A general form evolved that is still in use.

For continuous operation the film must be passed continuously through the solutions and folded back over rollers that do not touch the emulsion surface. It must be handled very carefully, as the impregnation with solution weakens the support, and the sprocket holes should not be engaged. Drive should, therefore, be accomplished by a light friction force at the edges.

Splicing on a fresh film without affecting the motion of the part of the film being processed is handled by using a storage unit or reservoir. This reservoir has a variable capacity so that the output end can be giving out film while the input end is stationary as the new film is spliced. Lighttight gates prevent all but a short length of film being light-struck at the very beginning or end of the film (and leaders may be used). The take-up-reel case is fastened in a lighttight way to the storage unit so that after splicing, the film is unreeled into the storage and processing units until the other end is reached, ready for splicing to the next film after changing cases.

Many tank shapes have been tried. Long vertical tanks provide for several passes of the film through each tank. The spools are designed so as to hold the film at the edges by friction. There are a number of types of drive, but all function gently to avoid strain. Sometimes the spools have multistepped edges to accommodate various film widths. The lower spools (or “diabolos”) are more or less free but guided in a loose fashion so that they will not jam or tangle. The long vertical tanks give a minimum of air surface to the solution. The motion of the film through the liquid can be sufficient for proper contact of the film with the solutions, but sometimes submerged sprays with small jets of fine nitrogen bubbles are provided to increase the agitation.

The last receptacle in the processing sequence is a drying oven. There are several designs, some of which generally resemble the tank but without solution and are provided with heating elements. This receptacle does not need to be lighttight.

The processing steps for the many different types of film are similar in principle, though there are variations in specific solutions and treatments. One variation is known as reversal processing. After partial development, the camera original is bleached and given a second exposure of uniform white light. This yields a positive rather than a negative image and thus saves the cost of an additional generation.

In laboratory parlance, the major functions are divided into “front end” and “release print” work and may be performed at different facilities. Front end work begins even before shooting with tests by the cinematographer on the same film stocks that will be used for the production. These will be used as a guide when takes from the camera negative that come in from each day’s shooting are printed. A colour video analyzer reads the red, blue, and green records of the tests over a range of six f-stops to establish “printer lights.” As desired, the work print may be “one light” (given uniform exposure) or “timed” (exposure corrected for scene-to-scene variations).

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The original negative is stored until postproduction is finished. Positive work print is furnished in 1,000-foot rolls for editing. When all editing, including the insertion of optical effects and titles, is completed, the negative cutter matches the original camera film frame by frame at each editing point. The edited camera negative is combined with the synchronized sound track negative into a composite print called the answer print. (The first answer print is rarely the same as the final release print.) After all colour-correction and timing takes place, the information is recorded on perforated paper tape that serves to control both the exposure for each shot and the louvered filters that add red, green, and blue values.

For theatrical distribution, exhibition release prints are not normally struck from the original camera negative. The original negative is used to make a master positive, sometimes known as the protection positive, from which a printing negative is then made to run off the release prints. Alternatively, a “dupe” negative can be made by copying the original camera negative through the reversal process. This yields a colour reversal intermediate (CRI) from which prints can be struck.

Printing takes a number of different forms. In contact printing, the master film (or negative) is pressed against the raw stock; this combination is exposed to light on the master film side. In optical printing, the master film is projected through a lens to expose the raw stock. In continuous printing, the master film and the raw stock both run continuously. Continuous printing is usually contact printing but can be optical, through a projected slit. In intermittent, or step-by-step, printing, each frame of the master film is exposed as a whole to a corresponding frame space on the raw film.

It is possible to print from one size master film to another size raw stock, such as 35-mm to 16-mm, or vice versa. In such cases the printing must, of course, be optical, and in the examples cited must be intermittent if there is a sound track. This is because 35-mm sound film has a spacing between frames and 16-mm does not. The sound track must be printed separately. The preferred method for making 16-mm versions of 35-mm films is to make a 16-mm negative by reduction from the 35-mm negative. Sometimes a 35-mm release print is reduced and printed by reversal, but this yields a coarser image. When 16-mm film is “blown up,” the 16-mm negative is immersed in a solution that conceals scratches and grain as it is being rephotographed; this process is called wet-gate printing.

Film prints to be used for projection are given a coat of wax over the sprocket-hole areas. This eases the film passage between the pressure plates at the projection aperture.

Printing Films - Printing Films Archive

A film created by Carl Schlesinger and David Loeb Weiss documenting the last day of hot metal typesetting at The New York Times. This film shows the entire newspaper production process from hot-metal typesetting to creating stereo moulds to high-speed press operation.

At the end of the film, the new typesetting and photographic production process is shown in contrast to the old ways. There are interviews with workers at NYT that are for and against the new technology. In fact, one typesetter is retiring on this final day as he does not want to learn the new process and technology.

This is the first time the film has ever been available in HD from the original 16mm master film.

For more information, please visit cold laminating film.