Ice cream manufacturing and packaging process and a ...

13 May.,2024


Ice cream manufacturing and packaging process and a ...


This application relates to a process for manufacturing and packaging ice cream and to an improved ice cream package for use in this process.

The company is the world’s best ice cream containers with lids wholesale supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.


Ice cream is a product enjoyed by many consumers. It is purchased by consumers in the ready to eat form as ice cream cones and ice cream sundaes at restaurants and specialty stores. It is also purchased by consumers in multiple serving containers. These multiple serving containers come in several sizes and shapes. Two common multiple serving containers are half gallon boxes (sometimes referred to as "bricks") and half gallon round tubs (sometimes referred to as "rounds"). Bricks and tubs or rounds are made from paper, cardboard, plastic, and composites of these materials, such as plastic coated paper. This invention is specifically directed to multiple serving containers for ice cream to be sold to consumers and it will be described with reference primarily to the half gallon size although it is applicable to other multiple serving consumer packages such as pint, quart, five quart, and three gallon size. Standard half gallon bricks are five inches by seven inches by three and one-half inches deep.

Ice cream containers perform several functions. Some of these functions are performed at different times in the life of the container and described below sequentially with reference to the ice cream manufacturing and distribution process.

Conventionally, ice cream is manufactured by mixing liquid ingredients in a mixing tank and feeding the mixed ingredients into a cooling unit where the mixed ingredients are reduced in temperature to about 20° F. The mixed ingredients become significantly more viscous but will still flow. If the flavor being manufactured includes solid items, these solid items, such as cookie parts, are mixed into the flowing material at this point. This chilled and fully mixed material is fed to a package filling machine which feeds the material into the ice cream package. The ice cream package is closed and shrink wrapped to other packages for more convenient handling. The packaged ice cream is then placed in a hardening area for several hours where its temperature is reduced to zero or below for hardening. The packaged, finished ice cream is ready to be stored or shipped. The packages perform several functions in this process.

The package carries information about the product it contains. The ice cream package is preprinted. It contains product ingredient information, the flavor, the size, the brand name and graphics intended to persuade purchasers to buy this particular container of ice cream. Packaging is specific to each flavor of ice cream. Packaging is also specific to different customers. Thus, a particular supermarket chain will have a requirement for one package bearing its store brand name while a different market chain will offer a similar or identical product in a different package. Packages generally take about ten to twelve weeks to create, order and print. Thus, producing product for each chain requires careful planning and much lead time.

The package also performs the function of receiving the ice cream as it is measured and divided into a consumer product. The package acts as a receptacle in the metering process.

The package acts as a container for the ice cream in processing, that is, in hardening of the ice cream into a finished ice cream product. The package has an impact on the hardening process.

The inventory of finished ice cream products is kept at low temperature, around -10° F. to -20° F. The finished inventory is usually very large as a finished inventory of each flavor desired by each customer in each package type required by the customer is often kept on hand. Keeping up such a large inventory is expensive. While conventional wisdom requires a large inventory to meet customer needs, it does not improve the product. Ice cream does not improve with age.

When a retailer requires delivery, the flavors required in the packages required are selected from finished inventory, assembled on pallets and shipped. The packaged ice cream is received at supermarkets and the like where it is placed in freezer display cases. The freezer display cases are conventional and are either upright type cases or open chest type freezers. Upright cases in which the packages are displayed on shelves in the freezer extending from just above the floor to above eye height are popular. Alternatively, the ice cream is kept in open chest type freezers in which the ice cream is stacked within a freezer compartment from just above floor level to about waist level. In the freezer, the ice cream package performs the function of displaying required product information including size, flavor, brand name, and the like. The package also carries a graphical display, such as a picture of the product, designed to please the consumer. The shape, size and overall appearance of the package has an impact on the consumer and helps the consumer to reach a conclusion on the perceived desirability of the product and whether to purchase it or not. Thus, the package performs an important marketing function. Typically, a retailer can achieve a "pack out" (a freezer loading) of about 120 units with round tub packages. A retailer can obtain a pack out of about 240 units with brick packages.

After purchase, the ice cream is transported by the consumer to the home and stored in the freezer compartment of a refrigerator. The package often resides in the consumer's freezer compartment for at least several days as a half gallon of ice cream contains several servings. Each serving of ice cream is removed from the container and the container is placed back in the freezer to store the remaining portions for later consumption.

The above described process starts with liquid ingredients or raw materials, solid raw materials and packages. Most of the liquid raw materials are common to all flavors and brands of ice cream which an ice cream manufacturer is selling. Therefore, the liquid ingredients inventory can be reasonably managed. The packages, however, are a different question. Packaging is expensive. Half gallon cardboard packaging printed and delivered to the ice cream plant costs about 12¢ to 15¢ per unit when purchased in the millions. Round packages cost 28¢ to 30¢ per unit when purchased in the millions. The manufacturer must have packaging for each brand and flavor his or her customers desire. He or she must purchase packages in large quantities to obtain the best price. If a particular retailer carries three quality levels of ice cream, each with ten brands, 30 different packages for each size desired are required. The cost of holding inventory of so many different packages is high.

If a manufacturer is making a particular flavor on a day, it may wish to use ice cream packages for multiple customers demanding their own packages. This requires changeovers resulting in wasted product and/or wasted time while the package feeds to the packaging line are changed.

Conventional packaging lines are package specific. Thus one packaging line will fill half gallon cardboard containers only. A separate packaging line has to be set up if the manufacturer is also producing ice cream for packaging in half gallon plastic tubs. Plastic tubs must also be kept on hand in large quantities for each brand and flavor produced. This is because, like the cardboard bricks, the tubs have product information, trademarks and the like printed directly on the tubs. The tubs are also expensive, about 28¢ to 30¢ cents per unit for printed tubs delivered to the ice cream factory in large quantity.

Hardening of the ice cream in the conventional process takes several hours and is capital intensive. One method of hardening the packaged ice cream is called a roller bed process. The ice cream packages are placed on a roller type conveyor in a very cold room where cold air is circulated by blowers. The ice cream containers are held in this very cold room for 10-12 hours where hardening occurs. Another hardening system is available from Freestech International, Ltd., P.O. Box 1657, Lancaster, Pa. and is known as the Tri-Tray system. It provides moving trays upon which the ice cream is disposed. The trays move within the cold room and cold air is blown around the ice cream while it moves on these trays. This movement results in decreased hardening time, but several hours are still required to harden the ice cream to appropriate finished temperatures. In both of the above described hardening methods, hardening is accomplished by heat exchange through cold moving air interacting with the package. Another method of hardening ice cream is with a contact plate hardener. In a contact plate hardener, coolant is passed through aluminum plates reducing their temperature to a very low level. Packages of ice cream are fed into the contact plate freezer. Plates contact the lower and upper surfaces of the packages while heat is extracted from the ice cream into the chilled aluminum plate. Plate freezers are efficient when used with packages having flat tops and bottoms and which can be packed adjacent one another with side walls in direct contact. Contact plate freezers therefore are usable with brick packages but are not well suited to tubs. With one half gallon cardboard bricks of the normal three and one-half inch height, the contact plate freezer typically requires about 11/2 to 2 hours of residence time for hardening ice cream.

The above described hardening processes require large capital expenditures. Typically, an ice cream manufacturing plant will spend several million dollars on a Tri-Tray hardening line. Contact plate freezers cost about a million and a half dollars and are limited to a single thickness. Thus, several hardeners will typically be required.

Because retail stores demand such variety of flavors and packages for those flavors, a large inventory must be kept on hand and kept at the hardened temperature, about -20° F. One ice cream producer has built a high rise automated cold storage facility 62 feet high and 250 feet long to store inventory of over 400 different ice cream packaged products (see March 1989 issue of Dairy Field). Capital costs and operating costs for such automated material handling and cold storage facilities are large.

Packaging also has an impact on how ice cream is sold at the retail store. At the retail store, the packages are stored and displayed in freezers. One of the most popular and useful freezers is a vertical freezer in which ice cream is displayed on shelves starting near the floor and rising to above eye level. This provides a visual display in which a large number of packages can be seen by the consumer and easily removed from the freezer for purchase. Typically, because of shelf spacing and access needs, half gallon bricks are displayed with two half gallon packages stacked one on top of another on a shelf. The shelf must be spaced vertically sufficiently for the consumer to reach in and select a package even after the first few rows have been taken. Shelves cannot extend too low or too high or consumers will not reach them. These limitations result in a typical display being four containers wide and five shelves high for a total of twenty visible slots each slot containing two half gallon bricks one stacked on top of the other. Each of the 20 slots is filled with several pairs, one behind the other. A maximum of 20 flavors is therefore displayable. This also limits the area of a package visible to a consumer. If the consumer can only see a single side of the package as it is displayed in the freezer compartment, the remaining sides of the package are lost as marketing tools. Thus, the size of one side is the size of the primary marketing surface.

Packaging also has an impact on consumer enjoyment of ice cream. In the home, conventional brick type ice cream packages are normally stored in the freezer compartment of a refrigerator. The brick opens from the top or side and most consumers will store this package in only one orientation, with the top on top. This takes up a significant amount of volume in the freezer. Moreover, once the package is opened there will be voids within the package and it becomes difficult to stack other items on top of the ice cream package. Space is wasted within the consumer's refrigerator freezer compartment. Most consumers have only limited freezer compartment space and a great demand for this space.

An additional problem with the half gallon brick ice cream container is that it is relatively unfriendly to consumers when serving ice cream. This is particularly evident when one is trying to scoop out the last serving of an ice cream container. The corners of the brick are 90° angles and very difficult to properly empty. The container is relatively tall. This often results in one getting ice cream on one's sleeve when one is removing ice cream from the container. The container also flops around when one is trying to get ice cream out of it aggravating the problem. When the container is empty, it is trash and must be disposed of. Putting it straight in the garbage is often messy as there is a residue of ice cream in the package which may leak in an unintended manner. Rinsing out the ice cream container is also difficult as it is flexible, difficult to handle and contains overlapping surfaces which often hold unsuspected liquid.

Some ice cream is sold in half gallon paper or plastic tubs. These tubs have a somewhat flat bottom, a gently tapering conical side wall and a somewhat flat top closed by a flanged rib. These tops can be securely closed after being opened by a consumer. However, the tub shape is very inefficient in the freezer. Tubs stacked adjacent to one another have significant volumes of air between adjacent tubs. This is true in the consumer's freezer, the retailer's freezer and the manufacturer's hardening process. Significantly more space is required for an inventory of tubs when compared to an inventory of similar count in bricks. The pack out for a given freezer using tubs is significantly less than the pack out achievable for bricks. Tubs are not efficiently processed in a contact plate freezer. Tubs are expensive and expensive to print upon.

Retailers now demand a variety of ice cream products including a variety of flavors and a variety of labels for each flavor. Thus, retailers will offer branded products and private label products in the same package size and same flavors but with different packaging. Different retailers require different packages. The lead time for appropriation of a package is long. For instance, 10 to 12 weeks is the normal lead time from finished layout to receipt of a supply of printed boxes for brick type half gallon containers. Because of this long lead time and the wide variety of packages required, ice cream manufacturers must keep a large inventory of finished packages on hand. This is expensive as it ties up capital. It is also wasteful as packaging requirements change and old inventory must be scrapped. Because the lead time is long, retailers cannot take advantage of changing consumer tastes or special events. A retailer must wait at least 10 to 12 weeks if he or she decides that a new flavor or package graphics is desired by consumers. Even a minor change in a package requires preparation of new printing plates at a cost of about $1,000 to $2,000.

Manufacturers have been maintaining large inventories of finished products in cold storage warehouses. This is because of the wide variety of flavors and packages required by retailers in a single shipment and the long processing time required in the conventional ice cream manufacturing process. Including hardening, processing from liquid ingredients to finished hardened product takes from about 11/2 to about 12 hours. As described above, ice cream manufacturers have been addressing this problem of a large and varied inventory by building large, automated finished product warehouses.

Retailers have also been limited by current ice cream manufacturing techniques. The display of the ice cream packages in vertical freezer cases is awkward. One displays only one side of the half gallon brick. The largest panel, the top, measures five inches by seven inches. This limits the merchandising display available on the product. Moreover, sometimes bricks are stacked with the top on top and the top of the brick is not visible to the consumer. The retailer's problems are not addressed by the round tub. While round tubs are sometimes associated with premium brands of ice cream, the display properties are not good. If the tubs are stood upright in vertical freezers, the surface presented to the consumers is curved. This greatly reduces its usability. Moreover, proper orientation of the tubs in the freezer is not always achieved. The display panel desired may be facing the back of the freezer rather than the front. The top of the tub is not visible in vertical display cases and, if the tub is displayed on its side to make the top visible, the tub is likely to roll around. In a chest type freezer, only the top of the tub is visible. The tub is also very inefficient in volume utilization. Tubs, when stored next to one another, always include significant amounts of air space between adjacent tubs.

Thus, the retailer is provided with packages which do not present good merchandising panels when stored in a vertical freezer and which do not facilitate maximum use the volume of a freezer. As freezer space is very expensive at retail, this is a considerable loss.

The consumer too is limited by current ice cream manufacturing and packaging techniques. Paper or cardboard half gallon bricks are difficult to use and store and often result in the soiling of one's clothing when dispensing ice cream. The cartons are difficult to dispose of neatly and are difficult to store in the freezer. Half gallon tubs are even more difficult to store in the freezer, are deep and therefor just as likely to soil clothing. Plastic tubs also add expense to the ice cream product which, ultimately, the consumer pays. These packages, even the plastic tubs, do not reseal well and are not optimal for reuse by the consumer.


In accordance with the present invention, a process of manufacturing and packaging ice cream is provided in which a low aspect ratio, one piece plastic tray is filled with ice cream, the ice cream in this tray is then quickly hardened in a cryogenic hardener and a lid and label is applied to the finished product.

Further in accordance with the invention, a container for multiple serving retail portions of ice cream is provided comprising a generally rectangular plastic tray having a generally flat bottom, four side walls and an open top, one of the four side walls being a foot side wall having a generally planar foot outer surface generally perpendicular to the bottom and a surface adapted to accommodate a lid. A generally rectangular lid having a flange extending perpendicular to the periphery of a lid is also provided. The flange of the lid extending over the foot side of the tray has an outer surface generally coplanar with the foot outer surface whereby the tray and lid in a filled assembled condition can be stood on the foot and remain stable.

Still further in accordance with the invention, the container is provided with a shallow recess in the lid sized to accommodate a label and to accommodate the bottom of another identical container so that multiple containers can be stably stacked.

Yet further in accordance with the present invention, the tray of the container is generally rectangular with side walls diverging from the vertical by only about 1°-2°.

Still further in accordance with the invention, the tray of the container is provided with rounded corners at all locations at which two walls intersect.

Yet further in accordance with the invention, the tray and lid of the container are blow molded from plastic material.

Still further in accordance with the invention, the tray is provided with a rib extending around the outer periphery of the tray near the open top and the flange of the lid engages this rib and is held in place in the closed position by this rib. The flange on the lid may also be provided with a rib to aid sealing of the container.

It is a principal object of the invention to provide a process for manufacturing and packaging ice cream which reduces a manufacturer's overall cost, increases manufacturing flexibility, reduces lead time on packaging changes, reduces the amount of finished goods inventory required to be held by a manufacturer and otherwise improves the manufacturing process.

It is another object of the present invention to provide a package which is easier to process, quicker to harden and can be labeled after filling.

It is still another object of the present invention to provide a package which can be displayed at retail in either the horizontal or vertical orientation and will present a large attractive principal display panel in either vertical or chest type freezers.

It is yet another object of the present invention to provide an ice cream container having all product information and graphics on one large display panel whereby display area is not wasted.

It is still another object of the present invention to provide an ice cream container which is generally rectangular in shape to maximize utilization of freezer space for the manufacturer, the retailer and the consumer.

Still another object of the present invention to provide an ice cream container which is reusable as a storage container by the consumer.


The foregoing objects, and others, will in part be obvious and in part pointed out more fully hereinafter in conjunction with the written description of the preferred embodiments of the invention illustrated in the accompanying drawings in which:

FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of the manufacturing and packaging process for ice cream in accordance with the present invention;

FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram of the manufacturing and packaging process for ice cream as performed in the prior art;

FIG. 3 is a perspective view of the tray and lid forming a container for use in the process of FIG. 1;

FIG. 4 is a top view of the tray seen in FIG. 3;

FIG. 5 is a side view of the tray seen in FIGS. 3 and 4;

FIG. 6 is a foot side view of the tray seen in FIGS. 3-5;

FIG. 7 is a top view of the top of the lid seen in FIG. 3;

FIG. 8 is a side view of the lid seen in FIGS. 3 and 7;

FIG. 9 is a cross section taken along line 9--9 of the lid seen in FIGS. 3, 7 and 8;

FIG. 10 is a cross section of two of the containers seen in FIGS. 3-9 in the assembled condition and stacked one on the other;

FIG. 11 is a view similar to FIG. 10 but showing the two containers standing on their foot sides;

FIG. 12 is a view similar to FIG. 6 showing the foot side of an assembled tray and lid forming a closed container;

FIG. 13 is a view of the top of a container in accordance with the present invention displayed standing on its foot as a consumer would see the container in a supermarket vertical freezer; and,

FIG. 14 is a schematic diagram showing an alternate implementation of the process as shown in FIG. 1.


Referring now in greater detail to the drawings wherein the showings are for the purpose of illustrating preferred embodiments of the invention and not for the purpose of limiting the invention. FIG. 1 illustrates a preferred process of manufacturing and packaging multiple serving ice cream products in accordance with the present invention. A prior art system is shown in FIG. 2. The prior art system will be described first.

Commercial making of ice cream starts with conventionally, liquid ingredients, including dairy products, placed in a mix tank 10 and blended. The blended liquids are conveyed to a cooler 12 where mixing continues and the temperature of the mixed ingredient are chilled to about the freezing point of water. Often a temperature of 20° F. (7° C.) is the target temperature to which the mixed ingredients are chilled. The chilled mixed ingredients become more viscous and take on the consistency of soft ice cream. This material is conveyed by a pump 14 through an ingredient feed 16 to a package filler 18. Pump 14 is sometimes integral with the cooler 12. The ingredient feed 16 is used to add solid ingredients such as cookie pieces to flavors such as Cookies and Cream. The package filler 18 takes the soft ice cream material and fills it into consumer containers for the product. Package fillers are commercially available, as are all of the above described elements. Package fillers are usually specific to a particular package. Thus, if one is filling half gallon cardboard brick containers, one will use a package filler specifically designed to completely fill and close the one half gallon brick container. Alternatively, if one is filling one half gallon or one quart round tubs one will use a package filler design for this package. The ice cream being filled at the package filler 18 is not an easily flowing liquid and the function of the package filler includes filling the entire package completely and not leaving air voids in the corners and the like.

As can be seen schematically in FIG. 2, two elements come together at the package filler 18. These elements are: the soft ice cream product and the package. In the case of half gallon bricks, the packages are provided to the filler 18 in a flat form. The filler 18 opens the packages, fills them and closes them. In the case of tubs, the plastic tubs are already three dimensional items and are conveyed to the filler in a way which facilitates filling at the filler 18. The illustration in FIG. 2 showing the empty containers on the representation of the conveyor belt 34 is simply a schematic means of illustrating the provision of packaging to the filler 18. Commercially available fillers include various packaging feed mechanisms and magazines.

In the case of a round tub of ice cream, after the tub is filled a lid must be placed upon it. This function is performed at the lidder station 20. The lidder 20 may be an integral part of the filler 18. After the lid operation has occurred, a number of closed packages are assembled and a shrink wrap applied at shrink wrap station 22. Shrink wrapping is done to ease handling and improve efficiency. Shrink wrapped products are then conveyed to a hardener 24 where they will reside for about 21/2 to 12 hours while the ice cream contained in the container is chilled and hardened. Hardeners are commercially available equipment. One type of hardener is often referred to as a roller bed hardener. It consists of a large room having roller conveyors in which the package ice cream is placed. Chilled air circulates within the room which chills the ice cream product down to a low temperature, typically 0° F. (-18° C.) or less. The cooling normally takes about 12 hours for a facility producing large amounts of ice cream. Clearly, a very large cold room is required. A second type of hardener is called a Tri-Tray. In a Tri-Tray, both air and product are moved about within a large chilled enclosure. Cooling of the product to the desired temperature is accelerated. However, several hours are still required. A third type of hardener is known as a contact plate freezer. Contact plate freezers work quickly with cubicle products such as half gallon cardboard ice cream containers. The containers are packed closely together and very cold aluminum plates are placed on the top and bottom of the containers chilling them by direct contact with the cold metal. Basically they accelerate the cooling process. However, a 11/2 to 2 hour cooling period to reach appropriate hardening temperature is still normally required.

The hardeners described above are large and expensive to install and work best with very large production runs.

Following hardening at the hardener 24, finished product is conveyed to a cold storage area 26. Because consumers desire many different flavors of ice cream and retailers desire many different brands of ice cream, ice cream manufacturers need to keep a large variety of products on hand in order to satisfy their retailer customers. This has resulted in the construction of very large, very expensive automated cold storage warehouses for ice cream manufacturers. Capital costs for such cold storage facilities 26 are great.

In addition to the liquid raw materials which an ice cream manufacturer must have on hand to manufacture ice cream, the manufacturer must have on hand a supply of preprinted containers 30. These containers are expensive and a supply for each flavor and each brand required by various retail chains must be maintained by the ice cream manufacturer. Thus, the ice cream manufacturer must keep a supply of half gallon cardboard boxes for each flavor and each store brand for each of the stores to which he or she sells ice cream. Moreover, such boxes must be kept for the ice cream manufacturer's own brand in each flavor. Additionally, often premium brands are sold in plastic tubs. These plastic tubs are preprinted and a supply of plastic tubs in each brand and flavor must also be maintained. Consumers also wish to buy ice cream in various size containers. A consumer may wish to buy a special flavor in a premium brand for a special occasion and would select a quart size. On the other hand, a consumer purchasing ice cream for a family get together may purchase several half gallons or a five quart container of ice cream in a selected flavor and brand. The manufacturer must have a supply of each package in each flavor, size and brand. Should the manufacturer decide to change the package to better reflect consumer preferences in graphics, change an ingredient listing, identify a new distributor, or otherwise comply with consumer, retailer or government demands, normally a 10 to 12 week or greater lead time is required. The packages must be designed, printed and package inventory shipped. As most packages include color high quality graphics, the process is not easy on multiple sided cardboard containers or upon the curved plastic tubs.

Additionally, the ice cream manufacturer must have a filler supported by the remaining equipment described above for each different size and style of container used. A filler and production line used for a half gallon brick is not usable for a half gallon or quart round tub. Thus, multiple production lines are required. While these multiple production lines can end in a single hardener 24 and single cold storage facility 26, significant capital investment is required. Additionally, multiple production lines feeding a single hardener 24 and a single cold storage facility 26 results in the need for a large capacity hardener 24 and a large capacity cold storage unit 26. This multiplies capital costs.

Referring again to FIG. 1 illustrating a preferred embodiment of the invention, one sees a mix tank 10, a cooler 12, a pump 14, and an ingredient feed 16 just as in the conventional system. These elements are conventional and commercially available. The soft ice cream with solid ingredient exiting the ingredient feed station 16 is directed to a filler 32. The filler 32 is slightly modified from existing fillers to fill a unique ice cream tray 100. The tray 100 is plastic. A plastic supply provides plastic to a blow molder 42 which creates blank trays 100 and blank lids 102. The plastic supply 40 is in the form of plastic pellets. Blow molders are a commercially available product which can produce blank trays and blank lids very quickly and inexpensively. Many ice cream manufacturers already have blow molders on hand as they are used to make milk containers. While injection molding or other processes could be used, blow molding requires a less expensive mold than injection molding and results in a more economical procedure. Roughly speaking, a paper board or cardboard conventional half gallon brick container costs about 12¢ to 15¢. A conventional plastic tub for ice cream with printing thereon costs about 28¢ to 30¢. It is expected that the tray 100 and lid 102 manufactured in accordance with the present invention would have cost 13¢ or 14¢.

The tray 100 is approximately 71/2 inches by 8 inches and 2 inches deep. The wall thickness is about 0.04 inches. This provides volume capacity for a half gallon of ice cream. These dimensions are chosen to optimize freezer utilization at retail and for the consumer. Other dimensions may be used. For instance, the depth may be increased and opening dimensions may be decreased to accommodate the manufacturing process or other needs. The trays can be manufactured at the site of ice cream manufacturer. This requires that an inventory of plastic raw material be kept. Plastic raw material is dense and easily stored, does not require refrigeration and has a long shelf life. Many ice cream producers already have the pellets on hand for making milk containers. Alternatively, the plastic trays can be manufactured offsite and a supply of blank trays shipped to the ice cream manufacturer at regular intervals. As blank trays contain no markings, flavors or brands or other product specific materials, one tray can be used for any brand or any flavor. The packaging inventory needs of an ice cream manufacturer are greatly eased. Trays 100 are provided to filler 32. The filler 32 is modified slightly from a conventional filler to completely fill the tray 100 in a quick automated manner. The filled trays are then sent to a cryogenic gas hardener 46. The cryogenic gas hardener 46 uses liquid nitrogen as the cooling agent. Nitrogen is liquid at atmosphere pressure at temperatures below -320° F. (-195.8° C.). Liquid nitrogen is sprayed directly on the ice cream in the container, extracting heat from it. The liquid nitrogen vaporizes and the cold vapor circulates within the hardener at extremely low temperature hardening the ice cream very quickly in a continuous process.

Cryogenic gas tunnel freezer are commercially available. One such unit is available from AGA AB, S-181 81 Lidingo, Sweden. These cryogenic gas freezers are available in a number of sizes and capacities and will accept products on belts between about 21.5 inches (0.55 meters) and 49 inches (1.25 meters) wide. Products up to 5.9 inches (0.15 meters) tall can be accommodated in these commercially available units.

Cryogenic gas freezers have previously been thought of as being economical in low to medium production volumes only. The cost of the gas and overall operating costs were thought to make use of such units with high volume production such as volume production of ice cream economically inappropriate. Applicants have found that the economies created in applicants' system more than overcome this apparent disadvantage in cryogenic gas hardening. The overall costs (including capital costs) of applicants' system using cryogenic gas hardening is less than competing systems.

The hardening time required of an ice cream product in applicants new trays 100 in cryogenic hardener 46 is 10 minutes or less. On a wide belt hardener, products can be arranged several products abreast going through the hardener. Hardening is accelerated because the trays are only two inches deep and have a top surface area measuring 71/2 inches by 8 inches. The application by spraying cryogenic liquid onto the product has a large surface area upon which the cryogenic fluid may act and a small depth of material which requires cooling. Cryogenic chilling is enhanced. Additionally, cryogenic hardening occurs while the container is open. The cryogenic action occurs directly on the product. There is no insulating layer of packaging impeding hardening. Hardening times are reduced.

After exiting the hardener 46 the filled trays 100 proceed on conveyor 34 to a lidder 48 where lids 102 are applied closing the tray 100 and forming a closed container 104. A labeler 50 applies labels to the containers 104. The labels preferably are a flat sheet sized to fit on the lid 102 or they can be a sleeve adapted to enclose the container 104. Alternatively, a flat sheet can be applied to the lid and the sleeve enclosing the whole container 104 is then applied. Importantly, labeling occurs after the ice cream product is completely manufactured, hardened and packaged. Up to this point, product is not brand specific. If a manufacturer wishes to make a production run of a certain amount of store brand vanilla ice cream followed by a production run of a certain amount of its own brand of vanilla ice cream, he simply puts the correct numbers of printed labels 106 for each brand in the labeler 50 and runs the production line. There is no need to stop for changeover of packaging or otherwise impair the manufacturing process. The labeled containers 104 are then shrink wrapped into multiple unit lots for ease in further processing at a shrink wrap station 22. The product is now ready to ship to a store. The entire process from filler 32 to shrink wrap 22 takes place in less than 20 minutes. Prior art systems required from a minimum hour and an half to 12 hours. Manufacture to order and shipping on the same day of order reception is now possible. The huge inventories and cold storage facilities required under the old system are greatly reduced. Cold storage and retention of products for hours, days or even weeks after completion becomes an option which can be avoided rather than a necessity in order to keep adequate stocks to meet retailer demand.

The cryogenic gas hardener can operate on liquid nitrogen or other cryogenic gases. As the operating gas in the cryogenic gas hardener is at an extremely low temperature, hardening the ice cream container before the lid is applied is hygienic. Moreover, the extremely rapid hardening produces an ice cream product having superior texture characteristics.

The container 104 is an integral part of the invention and improves the process disclosed in FIG. 1. The container 104 is shown in perspective in the opened condition in FIG. 3. The container 104 comprises a tray 100 and a lid 102. The tray 100 has a generally flat bottom 112, a left side 114, a right side 116, a head side 118, and a foot side 120. The corners where the four sides intersect all have a radius of curvature 122 of about one-half inch. The corners where the four sides intersect the bottom 112 all have a radius of curvature 124 of about one-half inch. The bottom 112 is generally flat but has a slight indentation 126. The indentation 126 occupies most of the area of the bottom 112. It is raised only about 1/16" (1.5 mm) with respect to the rest of the bottom. It adds stiffness and prevents bowing at the bottom.

The left side 114, right side 116 and head side 118 diverge slightly outwardly from bottom to top. This divergence is about 1° from vertical and provides necessary draft for molding and ejection of the tray from the blow molding die. This divergence is kept to a minimum so that the volume utilization in the cryogenic hardening and also in the storage freezers is maximized. There is very little air space between adjacent containers 104 when positioned next to one another. A rib 128 is provided near the top of the tray 100. The rib 128 is on the outside of all four side walls and provides engagement retaining the lid 102 on the tray 100.

The foot side 120 is provided with a foot protrusion 130. The foot protrusion 130 is very shallow, only about 1/16" (1.5 mm) deep. It extends over most of the width of the foot side 120 from the right side 116 to the left side 114. The foot depression 130 extends from the bottom 112 about three-fourths of the way to the open top 132 of the tray bottom 112. The outside surface 134 of the foot protrusion 130 is perpendicular to the bottom 112 of the tray.

The lid 102 used with the tray 100 is shown in FIGS. 7, 8 and 9. The lid is sized and configured to fit snugly over the open top 132 of the tray 100. The lid has a generally flat top 140 and a downwardly extending flange 142 around its entire periphery. The lid 102 has a slight depression 144 occupying almost its entire area. The depression 144 is about 1/16" (1.5 mm) deep. In a half gallon size container in which the lid measures approximately 71/2" by 8", the depression is a rectangle with rounded corners measuring approximately 7" by 71/2". The depression 144 performs a number of functions. It stiffens the lid 140. It provides an aesthetically pleasing place in which to place a large label 146 (seen in FIG. 13). The depression 144 also accommodates the bottom of an identical container 104 when one container is placed upon another as seen in FIG. 10.

The flange 142 is of uniform height and, in the preferred embodiments, is about 1/2" (1.25 cm) high. The flange 142 may be provided with bumps or a continuous ridge 148 (FIG. 9 only) which will interact with the rib 128 on the tray 100 to hold the lid 102 on the tray and provide a sealing fit. The dimensions of the lid provide a tight, sealing fit to the top of the tray and the ridge 148 pulls the lid down on the tray.

As can be seen in FIG. 10, containers 104 stack stably one on top of the other. The depression 144 of the bottom tray accommodates the bottom 112 of the tray resting on top of it. FIG. 10 also illustrates a problem seen in the prior art overcome by the present invention. A body of ice cream 150 is contained in each container 104. A rigid lid 102 is applied to the container after the body of ice cream 150 is filled into the container. This leaves a slight air space 152 above the ice cream and below the lid 102. Air is a good insulator. In prior art processes in which round plastic tubs were used, the lid was applied to the tub prior to hardening. The lid and a layer of insulating air thereby separated the body of ice cream in the prior art container from the atmosphere in the hardener interfering with heat transfer and slowing the hardening process. In the present invention, hardening occurs before the lid 102 is applied to the tray 100. There is no insulating body of air interfering with hardening. Rather, the airspace provides insulation and helps retain hardness.

For more information, please visit 125ml Plastic Ice Cream Container.

FIG. 11 illustrates how the container 104 can be stored and displayed vertically resting on its foot side 120. The outside surface 154 of the flange 142 and the outside surface 134 of the foot protrusion 130 are coplanar. Moreover, these two surfaces 134, 154 are perpendicular to the bottom and top of the container 104. A large flat surface, best seen in FIG. 12, is positioned under the center of gravity of the body of ice cream 150 and container 104. As can be seen in FIG. 12, the flat portion of the flange 142 extend downwardly from the top of the container over almost the entire width of the container. The outer surface 154 of the flange 142 extends downwardly almost to the top edge 156 of the foot protrusion 130. The foot protrusion 130 extends over almost the entire width of the foot side 120. A large, stable support surface is thereby provided. The support is sufficiently wide in both dimensions so that the container 104 will be stably supported even on wire frame type freezer shelves.

FIG. 13 shows the top 140 of the lid and container as it will be displayed vertically in a grocer's freezer. A large surface area facing the consumer is provided. An indented portion or depression 144 occupies all but the very edge of this surface portion and contains a printed label 106. The printed label 106 is brand and flavor specific. Printed label 106 can be printed on paper, transparent plastic film or any other desired substrate. The printed label 106 can be adhered to the lid 102 by means of an adhesive, heat welded or any other means desired. The printed label can be a decal as opposed to a traditional label which results in the appearance of printing directly upon the plastic lid. Only the printed label is brand and flavor specific. All other elements of the package are generic. In fact, the tray and the lid can be transparent or translucent allowing the consumer to see the product within the package. The label 106 can also have transparent or translucent portions allowing the consumer to see the item within the container 104 or a hole in the label may allow such viewing.

The above described container 104 in half gallon size is 71/2" (19 cm) from left side 114 to right side 116. The package in half gallon size measures 8" (20.3 cm) from foot side 120 to head side 118. The container 104 is two inches deep. A traditional one half gallon cardboard brick package which measures 5" by 7" by 31/2" deep. A significantly larger primary display panel is provided allowing better merchandising and more information to be conveyed to the consumer. Additionally, the low aspect ratio, that is the small depth when compared to the size of the principal display panel, aids in hardening as a thin wide body of ice cream can be chilled more quickly. Also the proportions of these dimensions improve freezer utilization at retail. A freezer can be set-up with five shelves from the bottom supporting six different flavors of ice cream one on top of the other and four different flavors of ice cream across the shelf. This provides 24 slots for 24 flavors or varieties. Each of the 24 slots can be stocked with up to 10 or 11 individual packages stood on their feet resulting in a pack out of from 240 to 264 units. The packages are tall enough so that even if one flavor sells very quickly so that consumers are reaching to select a second from the last next to a full slot, it can be done conveniently. With half gallon bricks, vertical freezer chests are traditionally stacked with five vertical layers (four shelves and the bottom) and four flavors across the shelf. Two half gallons of ice cream are stacked vertically on each shelf. This allows only the display of 20 flavors. Packages are stacked six deep resulting in a pack out of 240 units. If one attempted to put more shelves in and thereby allow display of more flavors, additional air space was introduced cutting down on freezer efficiency and capacity and it became more difficult for consumers to reach packages of ice cream toward the back. The traditional brick is only 31/2" tall when displayed with its top faced up and only 5" tall when displayed with its top faced forward. A shelf closely accommodating either of these dimensions will present a tight fit for a consumer to reach toward the back for the last one or two of a particular flavor. Hence the common practice of stacking two on a shelf. Half gallon tubs are less efficient, resulting in a pack out of only about 120 units.

Larger size containers are also possible and advantageous with the present invention. For instance, a five quart container is 41/2" deep and has a top surface with dimensions of 10" between the top and foot sides and 71/2" between the left side and right side. These dimensions may be changed to accommodate manufacturing or other issues. Such a container is stable either horizontally disposed or vertically disposed. The five quart container has a large primary display panel for labeling. The five quart container is also less than 5.9" tall and can therefore be hardened effectively in the available cryogenic gas hardener described above.

The packaging described above also has consumer benefits. The corners between the side walls have a radius of curvature 122 of about one-half inch. The corners between the side walls and the bottom also have about a one-half inch radius of curvature 124. This makes scooping of the ice cream out of the corners and the bottom easier and allows the consumer to use all of the product contained in the package without making a mess. Additionally, the low aspect ratio that is the low proportion of depth of the container to the area of the open top, makes it less likely that consumers will soil their clothing when scooping ice cream out of the container. The container is also reusable. After the ice cream has been consumed, one is left with a plastic box with a close fitting lid of pleasing proportion and useful size. It is a simple matter to wash the container and use it as a container for food items to be frozen, refrigerated in a lunch box or otherwise. The proportions of the container are also favorable for storage in consumer freezers. This is a positive benefit while it is full of ice cream and after it has been recycled as a consumer container. The container full of ice cream can be stood up in a freezer door without difficulty. The containers can be nested in a freezer one on top of the other. The container can be placed on the bottom of a freezer compartment and other frozen foods stacked on top of it. With a cardboard brick, one had the risk of collapse of the top into the ice cream upsetting what was disposed on top of the ice cream. With the container of the present invention, a rigid container 104 having a flat lid 102 provides a stable support for subsequent layers. Moreover, the depression 144 in the lid 102 prevents items placed on top of the container 104 from sliding off of the container unintentionally.

An alternate embodiment of the process seen in FIG. 1 is shown in FIG. 14. All elements and steps in the process are the same except for those steps having to do with the lid 102. Lids are taken from a blow molder 42 and processed in a lid graphics applicator station 62. Graphics including trademark information, flavor information and other necessary markings, are applied to the lid 102 by means of application of a paper or plastic label or, decals or printing onto the lid. The lids 102 are then applied to the trays 100 by a lidder 48. Alternatively, lids are passed directly to the lidder 48 and applied to the trays 100. The lid graphics applicator then applies graphics as described in FIG. 1 or applies the graphics to a shrink wrap type label which is wrapped around the entire container 104. This process is illustrated with the broken line in FIG. 14. Finished, labeled containers 104 are then shrink wrapped into multi unit packs as desired for shipping, palletization or storage.

While considerable emphasis has been placed herein on the structures of the preferred embodiments and processes and on the interrelationships between these structures and the steps in that process it will be appreciated that many modifications and alterations can be made in the embodiments herein illustrated and described without departing from the principles of the invention. In particular, other very fast hardening methods allowing one to harden an open container before application of a label may be substituted for the nitrogen gas cryogenic gas hardening described above. Further, changes to details of the structure of the container 104 which still allow the container to be labeled after hardening are possible. Many other variations of the preferred process and structure are and will be used in accordance with the present invention. Accordingly, it is to be distinctly understood that the foregoing descriptive matter is to be interpreted merely as illustration of the present invention and not as a limitation. Obviously, modifications and alterations will occur to others upon the reading and understanding of the specification. It is intended to include all modifications insofar as they come within the scope of the appended claims or the equivalents thereof.

Making the Switch To Sustainable Ice Cream Packaging

Packaging is always evolving to meet the needs of social, economic and environmental demands. In an industry that is all about variety – from Oatly’s Caramel Swirl to Blue Marble’s Cinnamon Double Dark Chocolate – it’s necessary for ice cream companies to have access to the innovative products that will help to meet the ever-changing needs of each one of their consumers.

Innovative products like Evergreen Packaging’s Sentinel™ are revolutionizing the way that companies package their products while keeping sustainability and the environment at the forefront and that’s something we can all feel good about while enjoying our favourite foods.


The Connection Between People and Packaging



Relationships with food are much like those in our personal and social lives. Relationships require emotional and physical connections in order to flourish. This is why the connection between the food and drink products that consumers love and how they feel when they buy, consume, and dispose of them is so important to be mindful of.

For many brands, specifically those in the consumer market, packaging is something that may change multiple times throughout the lifespan of a product.

Making intentional and purposeful changes in a way that incorporates innovative new materials will elevate your brand, and in turn, maintain the connection that your consumer feels to your product. This shift in packaging is likely to create a more loyal consumer and even further, develop your existing consumer base. 

Through extensive research and development, the packaging industry is adapting to using more renewable resources wherever possible, particularly when it comes to ice cream packaging.

At Stanpac, we are committed to sustainable and environmentally responsible practices, which is why we’re so proud to offer a first-of-its-kind, fully renewable ice cream board option manufactured from only renewable resources.


Getting to Know the Product



Consumers want (and need) more.

Consumers are spending more time than ever before looking for packaging that offers convenience and sustainability while protecting the food and beverage products that they purchase, whether they are regular consumers or purchasing a product impulsively.

There is a delicate balance needed when it comes to manufacturing ice cream packaging that not only looks great, is beneficial for the environment, but performs exceptionally well in different storage climates (from shelves to fridges and freezers).

Being sustainable and environmentally friendly is important, as is being able to reflect a brand’s essence, but being able to maintain product freshness in a freezer environment is crucial.

Evergreen Packaging has introduced Sentinel™, a paperboard coated with a bio resin polyethylene made from sugarcane which looks and performs like a traditional petroleum-based PE resin.

Sentinel paper and paperboard products are designed to be used in a variety of food service and retail food grade packaging applications with varying shelf life needs.

While this material is widely being used for ice cream packaging, it can also be adapted to use in the development and design of cups, trays, plates, ovenable boards, cartons, flexible packaging and box liners, and more.

Sentinel™ products are fiber-based, meaning that they come from renewable resources. The trees used for the production of this innovative product come from forests where responsible practices are used.

Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) is an independent, non-profit organization, dedicated to promoting sustainable forest management. Receiving a SFI certification involves meeting very specific standards and responsibilities. Once certified, a business is required to apply to use the SFI logo – a distinctive mark that identifies sustainable practices – on their products. Learn more about this in-depth certification process here.


The Perks of Plant-Based Packaging



Plants are powerful. They’re also the primary ingredient for an increasing amount of consumer products and packaging.

By packaging manufacturers like Stanpac consistently looking for ways to source more products from plants, we’re taking steps toward a more efficient, circular economy that works with the environment.

Sentinel™ Renewable Ice Cream Packaging is a renewable resource that does not use any food source such as PLA (Polylactic Acid) which is made from corn. Amongst the many benefits of using bio-based packaging is that the poly coating is made from sugarcane, a renewable resource.

This packaging performs the same way as our traditional ice cream packaging – the moisture barrier properties are the same, the product looks the same, and recycling is the same as existing poly-coated ice cream packaging.

In addition to its renewable components, there is evidence-based research that shows how value-added packaging creates the brand image of a more progressive, luxury product. This means that by incorporating the benefits of sustainable packaging, consumers will be more inclined to include the product in their regular purchasing patterns.


How Does It Compare to the Recyclability of Other Products?



Did you know that a whopping 91% of plastic isn’t recycled?

These startling numbers have decreased over recent years with consumers beginning to consider sustainability as one of the most important determining factors when making a purchase.

Not only are consumers being more conscious, but packaging manufacturers are looking for new ways to innovate pre-existing materials to make them more environmentally friendly or create entirely new products that have the Earth in mind. 

Understanding resins – also referred to as plastics – can be confusing for those looking to learn more about what their favourite food and beverage products are being packaged in.

The best place to start is by looking for the numbers 1 through 7 on the bottom of your container. The number that you find is known as the resin identification code, which may also be known as the “recycling number”. Many major types of plastic resins used in packaging are recyclable. A list of those plastic types and their recycling codes can be found here.

With the current concerns over plastics in the environment, the plastics sector is seeking to ensure plastics can be recycled as easily as possible, to avoid them being a problem in the environment. 

The importance of package recyclability is put into perspective when considering the overwhelming amount of non-recyclable waste that burdens landfills, forests, and oceans across North America.

Recycling is one of the cornerstones of environmentalism and sustainability. Every level of the supply chain has a responsibility to consider the environment and how products are affecting it.

Generally speaking, it starts with the manufacturers, which is why Stanpac is making these significant partnerships with partners who can make positive changes with these cornerstones in mind.


How It’s Being Used in the Ice Cream Industry



Grab your spoon and get ready to dive into your favourite frozen treat! Feel even better about indulging in your dessert by grabbing a pint of these ice cream companies who have made the switch to a more sustainable poly-coated packaging:


Coconut Bliss, a plant-based, certified-organic, dairy-free ice cream producer. They were also one of the first customers to make the switch to the innovative new eco-friendly paper-based packaging when it became available.


Oatly takes oats and sustainability very seriously, which is why it’s why it’s so exciting to see them create an ice cream product line with their knowledge of oats and package it in a sustainable container that considers the environment. The team at Oatly has developed a strategy for achieving their sustainability visions and goals. They know what it means to change with the world!


Nada Moo! is an Austin, Texas-based family business. In addition to creating an original dairy-free coconut milk frozen dessert, the company has also made the transition to using the sugarcane-based polyethylene coated paperboard for their packaging.

“This switch to Sentinel™ Fully Renewable Ice Cream Board is a natural fit for our core values at NadaMoo!,” said Max Haimowitz, VP of Marketing & Creative at NadaMoo!. “Being a leader in the larger food movement striving to make a difference for our customers and the greater community as well as the planet for us means we should always look for ways to innovate. The new packaging allows us to advance this sustainability ethos.”


Perfect Day is inventing a new way to make the foods you love today, for a kinder, greener tomorrow. Making the decision to a more sustainable packaging is perfectly in line with their vision and goals.


Crémerie Swirl is a new standard in ice cream. It’s the home of decadent vegan ice cream made with top quality, organic coconut milk. They are also responsible for creating a sorbet prepared with fresh seasonal fruits. Their homemade products are perfectly paired with the sustainable and environmentally-conscious packaging created for them in partnership between Stanpac and Evergreen Packaging.


La Monarca Michoacana is a family-run business established in 2008. Their business offers homemade ice cream, popsicles, and mangonadas made with all-natural ingredients and no preservatives.


Created in 2007, Blue Marble embarked on a mission to offer a product that is, quite simply, good. Made with local dairy and the best organic ingredients, their company is focused on caring for the world. They do this through sourcing, business practices and community involvement. Implementing an environmentally-friendly packaging that aligns perfectly with their goal to use responsible, sustainable ways to offer their wholesome, super-premium ice cream.


Snow Monkey believes that they have reinvented ice cream. Their company has created a dairy-free anytime dessert from only fruit, seeds and superfoods. Snow Monkey products are loaded with luscious taste and packed with protein, making it the nutritious and delicious dessert option. For this company, leading a healthy lifestyle is just as important as keeping the environment healthy, making the switch to Sentinel™ the number one choice.


Wonderlab Doozy is responsible for creating smooth, dreamy gelato made from earth-friendly organic hemp and whole oats. Their products are good for you and good for the planet, especially since they are packaged in containers made with plant-based poly coatings, derived from renewable resources. 


Are you ready to make the switch?

Making the switch from traditionally coated ice cream packaging to a more sustainable and environmentally-conscious option, means that your company can feel good about your product on the inside and the outside.

By making this small but significant change, your business is showing consumers that you care about everything from creation to quality and satisfaction to sustainability.

Learn more about sustainable packaging options by visiting the Stanpac website here.

Want more information on square ice cream container? Feel free to contact us.